In my heart, lies a man who would love me until the end of time.
Well, I've been bored lately and I dropped by some stranger's site (in Blogger, of course) and I had a glimpse in one of her blogs and I have seen some widgets or whatever you call them. As always, I got interested and I clicked the link. Obviously, I did try quizzes and such. And since I got so into it, I tried almost all of them. LOL.
First, I tried quizzes or tests about my BLOG. Which is obviously this blog, not my other blog. :)) Here are the specified results that I've gotten. --
1. How addicted to blogging are you?

2. What is your blog rated?
Well yeah, I thought I would get a PG-13 rating or prabably R-18! Just kidding. Hahaha. Maybe PG-13 was the only one in my head. But it was wrong, not as correct as what I've thought. LOL. But I guess General Audiences would be fine. Maybe kids would even read my blog. Hi guys!
3. The Blogger Spelling Test
Got 93% in a spelling test and still wondering what went wrong. I mean, I knew all the answers. Ha! Not literally, I mean.. All the answers were easy peasy. I was hoping to get 100%! LOL yes, I'm a feeler. But hey, it was utter easiness! No difficulties were given to me AT ALL. Maybe I got a wrong answer because of the "alot" question. At first, my mind was like, "the answer is (a lot)!". But then, I answered "a lot". Awkward. I guess it's the incorrect answer. Hmm.
Whoa, I got a "Low" cuss level. Hahaha! Perhaps in blogs only. But in school, I wouldn't have second thoughts about getting a High level. :))
5. What is your blog wanted for?
I don't even comprehend what this thingamajig
is telling me. HAHAHA! ROFLMAO. =))
I'm done with all this widgets, tests or quizzes. I've got a lot of codes still waiting for them to be pasted but perhaps I should just make a new post for another entry filled with tests and thingamajigs. :P

Labels: boredom, codes, tests, thingamajig, updates