An inseparable tandem.
In my heart, lies a man who would love me until the end of time.
In my heart, lies a man who would love me until the end of time.
Shut up and let me go.
I'm trying to find a way out. Maybe there's a way out.
It has been two weeks and three days. It's not that long but it seems that we haven't talk since forever. You know this feeling, I know you know it. These past few days, I have been ignoring him. Possibly on purpose or probably I just don't want to. It's really hard for someone who knows that the person she loves doesn't love her anymore.
And the part that hurts is, you see him everyday. It's not that easy to see someone who broke your heart every single day. You can still feel the sadness and the depression. I mean, only a pyscho would move on that easily. Who can/would do such a thing? I guess I've moved on. But I call it "moved on" but I don't think I really did.
Every time I see his face, it makes me want to fall down and cry. I become vulnerable whenever I see him. I tend to be obnoxious if I see his body anywhere. Call that insanity, whatever. But I don't really get it. For me, what's happening now doesn't hurt that much. Well, everyone gets broken-hearted once in a while, right? Not only me. But everyone else.
Some people are truly heartbroken. Me? I don't call myself as a "heartbroken" person. After the last cry I had last October 11, I couldn't cry anymore. Maybe that's enough or I think too much sadness will kill me. I still want to live as a happy child, you know. Not a single guy can make me miserable. (Alright, maybe he can. But, not literally). I'm already in the misery and I cannot somehow get out of it. But I have acceptance. I understand what is happening. Even though I don't know the reason why he did this to me, or why he doesn't like me anymore, I can accept the fact that he won't even talk to me unlike before.
Unless, I did something bad or something wrong. Although, I can't remember anything that I've done wrong. I mean, why would a girl do such a thing to a boy that he loves? I have a point here. The bottom line is, I should not lose hope. I should not lose optimism. I'm not certain whether he likes me or not. But I assure you, I trust myself. I will think positive. I don't want to be like some girl there who is being so apathetic and too emotional. (Btw, I'm an anti-emo :p)
Sadness will not kill me. Try me. I laugh every time you see me. Ask them. They even see me laughing like a stupid li'l insane kid. I have a smile on my face even if I have been frustrated nowadays. It may be fake, but I have to tell you some thing. I must say, I am happy. Still happy. And will be happy everyday. Even if something bad happens, I will stay strong and I will never be weak.
No one can make me fall into pieces.
Labels: breakdown
Posted on Monday, October 13, 2008 at 1:43 PM.