An inseparable tandem.
In my heart, lies a man who would love me until the end of time.
In my heart, lies a man who would love me until the end of time.
I'm back. :)
Weeee. For all those days, finally.. She's back. My comeback was very uhh.. stupid? Haha. Well, what I'm trying to say is.. I can't use the comp. that much it's because my cousins are also here. So there are lots of people who are snatching the computer. :-S And also my mother, she plays Chuzzle Deluxe. Tch. So yeah. If you're goin' to ask me how am I, I'm alright. I'm great, actually. Well, today's classes are suspended due to P.T.O. My mom didn't go. But she was supposed to. But I think she wasn't gonna but bleh. Rofl. And it's my brother's birthday today; YO BRO!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY. :] .. It's his 25th this day. So weee! Hmm. School's fine. I mean, fun!!!! LMAOO. Super fun. Yesterday, we played 21! And we played like thousands of rounds. =)) It was gaahhh, superdiduper great. Tapos we were in the sinks for our Viva. Then, tiffany splashed the water to Ella's shirt. I laughed like hell. Golly. I was like, doing "ROFL". Yeheepp, I rolled on the floor while laughing like an insane crazy person. HAHAHAHA. Yepyep. Then we all left because our fetchers were there. :D That's all. Byebye. ^__^
Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 at 2:16 PM.